Biological Resources From Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary


Biological Resources from Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary

Biological Resources from Lanjak Entimau Wildlife Sanctuary

Picture Forest Habitat
8 distinct forest types
More than 1400 species recorded
Many rare species (including Rafflesia) and new records 

PicturePlants of ethnobotanical interest
785 collections
More than 100 species with medicinal uses and for rituals
128 species of wild fruit; 106 wild vegetables 

521 species (11% of known forest fungi in Sarawak)
37 species edible; 16 medicinal
42 species of lichens collected 

Picture Genebank establishment
1,245 trees in 10.71 ha plots enumerated
54 species of dipterocarps; 44 non-dipterocarps & wild fruit trees 

refuge for about 1,000 orang utan individuals

24,000 Borneon gibbon individuals
41,800 langur individuals(13,400 white-fronted; 28,400 red)

Picture Herpetofauna
26 species of reptiles (12 lizards; 13 snakes; 1 turtle)
48 amphibians
at least 26 Borneon endemics; 7 species known only to Sarawak
2 new frog species; 1 tree frog (a new record for Sarawak); 1 agamid lizard; 1 pipe snake 

213 species representing 40 families (203 resident; 10 migratory)
13 out of the 29 endemic to Borneo 

Picture Ichthyofauna
82 fish species from 8 families recorded
at least 12 possibly new species 

Picture Entomology
1,050 species from 58 families sampled
787 species of moth; 104 species of butterfly; 25 species of dragonfly & damselfly
10 species of bees; 40 species of termites (10 endemic) Rajah Brooke's Birdwing (Troides brookiana) butterflies were unusually abundant 

PictureSmall mammals
45 species recorded

13 species of bats; 9 squirrels; 10 rats; 3 porcupines
1 tree shrew (endemic to Borneo), possibly new species


Copyright © 2020 Forest Department Sarawak

Last Updated On 04 Mar 2025

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Monday Thursday

8:00am to 1:00pm & 2:00pm to 5:00pm



8:00am to 11:45am & 2:15pm to 5:00pm


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