About Us


About Us


Forest Department Sarawak is an agency with a vision to be globally recognized in Sustainable Forest Management – managing its 3.9 million hectares of permanent forest estates sustainably and continue to generate revenue for State development. 

Being established for 100 years, our roles are to manage and develop forest resources for socio economic and environmental sustainability through the implementation of forest management certification. We are now taking bold steps to ensure all long term forest timber licence (FTL) to be certified by 2022.  Thus far, 14 Forest Management Units (FMUs) with an area of 1,319,057 hectares of State’s natural forest and 96,000 planted forests had been certified under the Malaysia Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) which affiliate to Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) the biggest certification body in the world.

Led by MUDeNR, FDS with STIDC, HTSB and STA, through active engagement with the industry players, we have developed the Sarawak Timber Legality Verification System (STLVS) the due diligence system for the forest and timber industry of Sarawak to meet international trade regulations. To date, 8 forest timber licences (FTL) with an area of 901,773 hectares has been issued with Certificate of Compliance by the registered Audit Firm.

We will continue to progress in planting high quality and fast growing trees species in achieving 1 million hectares of planted forest by 2025 as a step to lessen the pressure on natural forest.  To date, 519,758 hectares has been planted which predominately with Acacia mangium.  To fast track the R&D on industrial forest, IFRC will continue its effort through collaboration with relevant stakeholders especially in producing high quality planting materials and site-species matching.   

Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) is one of the main agenda of the State.  It was launched by the Honourable Chief Minister on 15th June 2019 with an objective to enrich the degraded forest especially within the PFEs with high value indigenous species.  All stakeholders including the government, private, NGOs and the local community are encourage to take part in any FLR activities, to ensure Sarawak’s forest will remain lush and green while carrying out ecological services and functions.



Copyright © 2020 Forest Department Sarawak

Last Updated On 15 Jul 2024

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